MCM Group International held the “2013 Ecological and Social Sustainable Development Seminar” with Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU) and Hanjia Design Group

Mar 27, 2013 | Press Room


On March 27th, 2013, MCM Group International held the “2013 Ecological and Social Sustainable Development Seminar” together with Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU) and Hanjia Design Group. The meeting was attended by Michael Mitchell, President of MCM Group; Mr. Zhou Fangzhong from Hanjia Group; Mr. Shen, Dean of SWJTU; and distinguished guests from the Chengdu Cultural and Tourism Group. Mr. Mitchell delivered the keynote speech to the gathered architects, designers, planners, campus students and project management staff from area companies, research institutes and universities.

Emphasizing his extensive experience in the field of urban planning, sustainable design and environmental science, Mr. Mitchell introduced new development trends in sustainable design during the morning session. In the afternoon plenum, he presented a year-long study that MCM conducted on retirement planning in China verses the United States. The report proffered numerous innovative concepts to the audience and stimulated a lengthy post seminar discussion.

After the success of the planning and design seminar, Southwest Jiaotong University requested that MCM conduct on-going regional training programs at the university.